Tools for Volusion Founders
FounderTools is a collection of free to use tools built specifically to ease and enhance your experience with the Volusion eCommerce platform.
Test your Volusion import file against common issues and formatting errors to ensure that your import completes successfully the first time.
Prevent import time outs by splitting large CSV import files into mutliple smaller files for a more streamlined Volusion store import process.
Speed up importing third party product data by visually mapping fields and then export a working Volusion import CSV.
Generate Google Structured Data for your stores products to create an import CSV file to easily add the data to your store.
Create a Facebook product catalog file by uploading your product data CSV to have the data converted for use in Facebook.
Find the exact character and word count of text. This can be used to eliminate issues with import content exceeding the maximum character for fields.
Minify HTML, CSS or Javascript to reduce file sizes on your store to increase your page load times.